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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

Striker wrote:Rair, name 10 people who have posted on this thread who want STU back, and I will take back my generalization about it.

Also, STU can and has been reading this thread, how else would he post replies?

Furthermore, no that is not what I am implying. What I am implying is that that is what is going to happen if people don't let the STU case die. He dug is own grave, and you guys voting for him isn't gonna help. The only thing that IS gonna work is if he turns around and realizes where HE is wrong. Let him go, all he does is whine in-game anyway.

I'm not trying to start a flame war, but you really need to get over the fact that STU is gone for good.
Striker, since it seems you rephrased your generalization. 90% = 9 out of 10. 9 out of 10 means there is 1 out of 10 missing. 2 out of 20, 3 out of 30, 4 out of 40, 5 out of 50, are all good examples of 90%. 90% in decimal form is 0.9 in case you didn't know that math either.

And for STU, have you noticed Loghead has been posting stuff for him? Does that maybe mean someone cares enough to get "STU's case" up again? Loghead was doing it for a friend and that was one of the reason, well i'm implying it was a reason since Nasty brought it up too, was denied from OZ. Everyone said he "dug his own grave" but how has he? He was banned before and now the topic has risen again, how would it not being discussed help STU more than it being discussed. Do not use that phrase if you don't know what it means or how to use it. If the server's participants voting doesn't work, then the admins are either Kings/Queens or Dictators. STU may have been in the wrong a few times but not bannable reasons.

P.S.: Striker, it seems you have no information, summarize/restate other people's opinions, and speak in general. In any of your posts, i did not see anything that shows you have any knowledge of anything that involves this thread but care more about the way that would kiss the most admins' asses.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by TXRedneck »

LunaticChick wrote:Posted 4 days ago 4/8/12 by our Owner:
But if server rules are broken multi times then the admins will do whatever it takes.

BR Owner

What is it you don't get Zorak? You don't play much do you so why comment.
:shock: I thought Zorak was still an Admin; is he not?

I think what Zorak was curious about along with many players is what exactly were the server rules broken? Again; other than some over zealous chat spam there's a miscommunication some where and that's the million dollar question that won't allow this situation to be resolved or get closure.

The way I see it; BR Owner who runs, maintains and pays out of pocket to provide a place for the community to play (he at the very least incorporated a staff of Admins to help with day to day decisions and what ever else may come up) made a decision. Right, wrong, good, bad or indifferent; he made a choice. Whether it's liked or not we must appreciate the choice and move on. This is all a simple fix, but only time with positive changes can STU's ban be reconsidered to be lifted. If the choice is too offensive or doesn't make sense for some folks than you all have the right to not play in the Server.

When the time is appropriate I will speak on STU's behalf. If it were up to me he'd be playing, but it was a "Staff Decision" and there are valid points for both sides. I appreciate my fellow Admins and respect the decision. Lets just please move the hell on so we can remedy this as time allows. The more this continues the longer it will take for it to be re-evaluated
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by (=SK=)Zorak »

LunaticChick wrote:Posted 4 days ago 4/8/12 by our Owner:

Loghead i want to say something with respectful manners to you here in front of all. How would anyone want STU back from his past history of blowing up for every lil thing. We as the community is sick of people like this who cry about every lil petty thing. You think good part of the community want him back. NO! Trust me i know and i know half of the people who play on our server would agree with my statement. Once a offender does something more then 2 times as a ban the third should be banned forever. As a main operator of the server i don't want him back at all. When he decides he will act like a adult as he is one. Then maybe there will be slight consideration for him in being unbanned. But i promise nothing as of now.

I might sound like im hating on STU i don't. I don't hate anyone and i don't like banning players. But if server rules are broken multi times then the admins will do whatever it takes. And harassing admins or the server staff occurs admins have the right to kick/ban that person that is doing the following that is negative.

At this time i don't want to hear anymore about STU ban. Just play and enjoy yourself and remember to always follow rules. If you follow them your safe from any problems. Game on and Happy Easter to you all.

BR Owner

What is it you don't get Zorak? You don't play much do you so why comment.
I haven't played much, no, nor been around much, because I've been busy. However, I'm around now, thus I am commenting.

I have my opinions, and have had basically the same ones for quite some time. What I think or say does not change what happens around here, but it's still what I think, and I also think it's important to voice your opinions. I don't believe that is against the rules, is it?

TXRedneck wrote:
LunaticChick wrote:Posted 4 days ago 4/8/12 by our Owner:
But if server rules are broken multi times then the admins will do whatever it takes.

BR Owner

What is it you don't get Zorak? You don't play much do you so why comment.
:shock: I thought Zorak was still an Admin; is he not?

I think what Zorak was curious about along with many players is what exactly were the server rules broken? Again; other than some over zealous chat spam there's a miscommunication some where and that's the million dollar question that won't allow this situation to be resolved or get closure.

The way I see it; BR Owner who runs, maintains and pays out of pocket to provide a place for the community to play (he at the very least incorporated a staff of Admins to help with day to day decisions and what ever else may come up) made a decision. Right, wrong, good, bad or indifferent; he made a choice. Whether it's liked or not we must appreciate the choice and move on. This is all a simple fix, but only time with positive changes can STU's ban be reconsidered to be lifted. If the choice is too offensive or doesn't make sense for some folks than you all have the right to not play in the Server.

When the time is appropriate I will speak on STU's behalf. If it were up to me he'd be playing, but it was a "Staff Decision" and there are valid points for both sides. I appreciate my fellow Admins and respect the decision. Lets just please move the hell on so we can remedy this as time allows. The more this continues the longer it will take for it to be re-evaluated
Yes, I believe I am still an admin, though I have been really busy lately, as have many others I hear.

If Owner made a decision to ban Stu, then fine, it is his server and he can do as he pleases with it.

I still say I disagree with the ban, but like I said, I'm one person in a group of admins. It was apparently either a majority decision made about it, or Owner's decision, and either way it is what it is. But I've always been against punishing players for shit said in the chat box. It can be muted, the chat box HUD can be removed entirely, voicepacks can be muted, etc.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Striker »

Lol Rair what have you said that nobody else has said? You accuse me of doing the same thing you are doing, now that isn't getting you very far is it?

The fact is, we are posting the same thing over and over again because you have your thick head shoved so far up your ass you aren't able to read it.

As stated before, Owner is not going to lift STU's ban. Ever.

P.S. Rair, agreeing and kissing ass are two very different things. Lmfao
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

Striker wrote:Lol Rair what have you said that nobody else has said? You accuse me of doing the same thing you are doing, now that isn't getting you very far is it?

The fact is, we are posting the same thing over and over again because you have your thick head shoved so far up your ass you aren't able to read it.

As stated before, Owner is not going to lift STU's ban. Ever.

P.S. Rair, agreeing and kissing ass are two very different things. Lmfao
Striker, I'm sure everyone can agree that I had my own points and my own opinions. Your "Lol" in your quote must of been intended to be for you because I'm laughing my ass off at your stupidity. I said you repeated, even used exact words, and said the same thing.
Striker, the fact is that you don't understand what a argument/debate is. I haven't said the same thing, every post of mine has something new and that is how a debate work.

FYI: I don't want to seem like a bully, but your stupidity outreaches people with an actual mental illness. Your first two points in your quote are so false, i don't know how you can even type that without being a troll. You should read your quote over again, think about what your saying and ask yourself, "Does this even make sense?"

P.S.: Agreeing and Kissing ass are two different things. But you agreeing, using your stupidity for a nonintellectual post that means nothing to the thread nor has any significance to anything, makes it so you are, or seeming, to kiss admin asses.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Striker »


Claim what you want man, if it makes you feel better. Just know that your insults only reflect on how insecure you are and how pitiful of a human being you are.

Im truly sorry for you.

I don't know how you can think of yourself as more highly than I if you count "STU should be allowed to play" as your own 'point and opinion".

My first two 'points' meaning what exactly? I really only posted one and, as we can clearly see here, it is true once again.

Also, my post makes perfect sense to anybody older than 13 who can read and comprehend more than Dr. Seuss.

Jeezez man you seriously need help.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

does no one want to decipher this guy's rant? also for your information, I was 16 on Easter.. And everyone could comprehend your last quote, it just shows that your key board should be taken away. You mention insecure, you don't know what your even talking about... I called you stupid and everyone who actually read your posts knows it but didn't want it to go public so I called you out. I feel sorry for you if you think you're funny because you can't be serious... My opinion is Stu should be allowed to play, I had numerous points. you did not have any points and you do not know the difference between a point and an opinion. Also your attempts at insults had me loling even more at y.ou
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by Striker »

So now you are going back on what you said before? First it was "Your post doesn't even make sense" but now it's "Everyone could comprehend your last quote." Dude...

Btw you still haven't listed ten people who want him back...Furthermore, you can't. 23 different people have posted on this thread and somewhere around five (I didn't count I'm just guessing) want him back. So 21.7% of people on this thread want him back (22% if you want to round up). So 78% percent say that STU should stay gone. My bad about the generalization, but still, pleading STU's case isn't gonna help the fellow.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by RairLogic »

Striker wrote:So now you are going back on what you said before? First it was "Your post doesn't even make sense" but now it's "Everyone could comprehend your last quote." Dude...

Btw you still haven't listed ten people who want him back...Furthermore, you can't. 23 different people have posted on this thread and somewhere around five (I didn't count I'm just guessing) want him back. So 21.7% of people on this thread want him back (22% if you want to round up). So 78% percent say that STU should stay gone. My bad about the generalization, but still, pleading STU's case isn't gonna help the fellow.
Ugg.your still posting, I told you your generalization was wrong, but striker im going to end the discussion between us here and now because this doesn't have to be a thread like this. You said stuff like I was saying the same thing as everyone else but that is false. That post did not make any sense and by posting that, everyone can comprehend that you either don't know what's going on or you're just being a troll... Some of my posts have a couple of edits but that is because I make myposts accurate and my point clear.
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Re: This was forwarded to me....

Post by PoisonousFish »

this is actually pretty hilarious. I think stu is nuts but he has an incredible talent for media production.

btw, isn't my ban supposed to be up soon? 0=)
"I like your outfit! My mother just picked the same one up yesterday." Bang!