tribes isn't even fun anymore...

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tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by S_hift »

I mean its fun sometimes. Its only fun now when I'm paired with a good team, lately nothing but scrubs have been playing. Don't get me wrong, but it just seems like the tribal knowledge isn't spread evenly among the masses. Like people still don't know that necromancers can ghost through lasers, or that your lasers need motion sensors to see invisibles. They still don't know that two lasers isn't enough to kill a heavy. I'm still seeing unregistered players. There are even people who aren't even aware that the server has an actual forum to visit.

It angers me deeply that the mod still rewards n00bish behavior e.g., encouraging camping through kill streak status/server messages. Discouraging the use of repair packs and making the repair kit in spawn able to repair stations and solar panels with one kit, thus making it easier than ever to repair your base.

The idea that unregistered players or players with less than 10k kills are allowed to deploy things let alone use a pitchfork makes me cringe. The games are always one sided spam-fests or stalemate flag turtling. As much fun as I've had partaking in those spam festivals, even that gets down right boring after a while. The fact that you can deploy a laser turret on the ground and cover it up with a box that blends it in is absolutely repugnant, this is by far the gayest thing I've ever seen in annihilation.

Anyway its been fun, I'm over this game. I still love tribes, but its not the same with the atrocities that are allowed to be. Good bye.
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by virus »

Everything you spoke about was referring to Annihilation rather than Tribes itself. I'm sorry to hear a veteran like yourself has decided to depart. You have volunteered a great deal of your own time to resurrect this tired game, and I'm sure a lot of us thank you for that. Good luck on your future endeavors to find a game that can challenge the skills we've confirmed you possess in Tribes. I hope I'm still around to witness your return if you do so.

God bless.
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by Beavis »

See ya in a few days S_hift. you know you have to get your fix ---<==8-l
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by Fixious »

Depends on the map, at least for me. There are some maps I really, really hate in Annihilation, like DX, Snowblind and Stonehenge. The mod works best when the flag is slightly harder to get at, and with bases that can be a bit easier to defend. Scarabre is probably in my top 3, maybe even #1. Every aspect and armor of Annihilation can be used effectively on that map, in my opinion. Where LT left behind those kinds of maps, Annihilation rescued them.

As for repair kits on They're almost required on those crappy maps like I mentioned before, since they're so open to base rape. They aren't really used on the better maps because defending assets is easier. If it's an actual issue then maybe they should only work on certain assets, like the generators or something. To be honest I used the repair pack quite often since its part of my Angel armor loadout, along with the builder repair gun to repair blast walls and such.

Having the ability to deploy items based on kill count is beyond retarded, though. I'm sure there are people with shitty aim who prefer setting up defenses. They'd be screwed over by that. Even I barely have over 1k kills at the moment, though I only play the game on and off and on several different builds and ISP's over the years.

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing crates get their base health lowered quite a bit, making them a bit more susceptible to ordinary weapons instead of requiring something like baby nukes or particle beams. Then again if a Builder manages to get near one with a pitchfork gg.
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by {SW}SkyWalker »

I mean sometimes I get bored of some of the different things, but tribes will always be remembered as the best FPS, but they have a challenge Halo And Cod and TITANFALL
No matter how long I stay away from this game I will never forget the stuff this game and community forged onto my heart!
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by dawn »

sometime people forget just how hard it can be to set a good D when all hell has broke lose.. the only person that has to be momentarily stationary is the one setting D.
that's usually when he/she gets taken out.. I leave the game a lot not because i`m raging, but because i`m not having any fun.
to me that's what its supposed to be about, sooo I can appreciate where your coming from Shift, and I truly wish you the very best.
Tribe need people like you more than I think you realize.. take care
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by Beavis »

Shift you commented on my death stats the other day that's because I stay near my flag to protect it how ever how many times I die, I try to set d FOR my flag nothing else till I think its secure enough to move to a different part of my base. And players take that your going to set d every time. So we get stuck with that job every map. Oh the fun!
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by S_hift »

yeah I definitely just rage posted. I'll be on again tonight once I've had a my fix lol

These are probably the most infiruating things I deal with as well as others.

1. going offense, alone.
2. seeing the entire team setting defense.
3. Being in the mood to set defense and no one wants to go offense.
4. lack of team communication. I have the highest respect and honor towards the team players who actually maintain and establish communication.

edit; yes fixious most of the problems i described are pertaining only to br annihilation. I wouldn't call the kill count "retarded" but something does need to be done to thwart off people like scarecrow who just love to put walls and random shit in the way and call it "defense."

nothing against the guy (except the way he builds a base). Thats just the only player I can think atm who does stuff like that.
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by Ninetails »

I usually just take some time off tribes to cool down. I'll play for 3-4 months straight then vanish for like a month or two to cool down. Like everybody there is a sort of "burnout" period when you get really frustrated with the people and politics, but when you back, you're came back refreshed.
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Re: tribes isn't even fun anymore...

Post by S_hift »

i thought my burnout period was last week, i guess not.
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