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[Script] LocalSpam

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:08 am
by Jegue
This is my localspam set in 1.30, it makes you keep saying "retarded, retarded, retarded". The enable/disable key is set to numpad - but you can change it. Just add exec("LocalSpam.cs"); to your autoexec.cs and have these 2 files in your config:


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///check's Local Spam v1.0
//copyright ||.:.||check

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad-", TO, "LSStatus();");
$LSstat = 0;     //turn it off to start w/
$LSnum = 2;
$LScount = 2;

$LSspeed = 0.16;

function LSStatus()
  if($LSstat == 1)
	$LSstat = 0;
  else if($LSstat == 0) {
	$LSstat = 1;

function startLS()
  %LSfle = $voiceList[$LSnum];
  if($LSstat == 1) {
	$LSnum = $LSnum + 5;
	if($LSnum > 2) {
		$LSnum = $LScount;
		$LScount = $LScount + 1;
	if($LScount > 4)
		$LScount = 1;
	schedule("startLS();", $LSspeed);

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$voiceList[1] = "retreat";
$voiceList[2] = "tgtacq";

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:09 pm
by DaJ4ck3L

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:15 pm
by S_hift
$voiceList[1] = "retreat";
$voiceList[2] = "tgtacq";

lolz :dunce:

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:19 pm
by perrinoia
Why would you want to spam retarded over and over again?

I tried it out, and the timing is a bit off... It sounded like it was saying "Target acRetreTarget acRetreTarget acRetreat!"

Also, the code is hella confusing.

Your keybind calls a toggle function (LSstatus), which calls the spam function (startLS).
You could replace that whole first function with the following key command:

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bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad-", TO, "$LSstat = !$LSstat; startLS();");
Also, you should use incrementer operators, instead of addition. For instance, instead of $LSnum = $LSnum + 5; you could write $LSnum += 5;

And, instead of $LScount = $LScount + 1; you could write $LScount++;

In fact, you can combine those lines of code with the if statements that follow them... For instance,
if(2 < $LSnum += 5), and if(4 < $LScount++)

But more importantly, all of that (except the keybind code) is a waste of space, too, since you are using the LS count to count from 1 to 4 over and over again, and I think LSnum is supposed to toggle between 1 and 2.

So, what you should be using, instead of all of that crap, is the modulus operator.

For example:

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//Perrinoia's overhaul of check's Local Spam v1.0
//Opensource, freeware, annoying script, please don't use it around me.

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad-", TO, "$retard = !$retard; retard(0);");	// Toggle built into keybind.

function retard(%i)	// Counter passed locally instead of using global variables.
	localMessage(getWord("retreat tgtacq", %i % 2));	// voice list is hard coded, using modulus of counter to cycle through the word list.
	schedule("if($retard) retard("@ %i++ @");", 0.19);	// Toggle check and counter incremented in the recursive scheduler, and the timing is fixed.
It just occured to me that different character voices have different audio durations for the same voice command... So thats probably why the timing was off...

I'm rewriting this to be a little more versatile, but it's going to take some research, because I need to come up with multiple phrases to test out to make sure it works, and I've gotta get the timing down right for each syllable...

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:36 am
by perrinoia
OK, I think I perfected it, now.

Code: Select all

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad-", TO, "if($Toggle::VoiceSpam = !$Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\"0 dsgst2 0.5 basetkn 0.25 retreat 0.2 tgtout 0.5 dsgst5 2\");");	// "You Our Re Target!" *sigh* -perrinoia

// Example: "VoiceSpam(\"<delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay>\");" -perrinoia
function VoiceSpam(%arg)
	for(%num = 1; getWord(%arg, %num) != -1; %num += 2)
		schedule("localMessage(\""@ getWord(%arg, %num) @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));
	schedule("if($Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\""@ %arg @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));
You must list the voice filenames and delay durations separated by spaces (starting and ending with delays).
The function waits for the delay, then plays the voice, then waits for the next delay, and plays the next voice, etc until the end of the sentence, at which point it waits for the final delay before repeating the whole process.

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:58 am
by DaJ4ck3L
perrinoia wrote:OK, I think I perfected it, now.

Code: Select all

bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "numpad-", TO, "if($Toggle::VoiceSpam = !$Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\"0 dsgst2 0.5 basetkn 0.25 retreat 0.2 tgtout 0.5 dsgst5 2\");");	// "You Our Re Target!" *sigh* -perrinoia

// Example: "VoiceSpam(\"<delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay>\");" -perrinoia
function VoiceSpam(%arg)
	for(%num = 1; getWord(%arg, %num) != -1; %num += 2)
		schedule("localMessage(\""@ getWord(%arg, %num) @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));
	schedule("if($Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\""@ %arg @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));
You must list the voice filenames and delay durations separated by spaces (starting and ending with delays).
The function waits for the delay, then plays the voice, then waits for the next delay, and plays the next voice, etc until the end of the sentence, at which point it waits for the final delay before repeating the whole process.
for 1.4 id use this bind method, giving you the method to bind it in options

Code: Select all

function LocalRetardSpam::addBindsToMenu() after GameBinds::Init
	GameBinds::SetMapNoClearBinds( "playMap.sae" );
	GameBinds::addBindCommand( "Local Retard Spam", "if($Toggle::VoiceSpam = !$Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\"0 dsgst2 0.5 basetkn 0.25 retreat 0.2 tgtout 0.5 dsgst5 2\" ); // "You Our Re Target!" *sigh* -perrinoia

// Example: "VoiceSpam(\"<delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay> <voice> <delay>\");" -perrinoia
function VoiceSpam(%arg)
	for(%num = 1; getWord(%arg, %num) != -1; %num += 2)
		schedule("localMessage(\""@ getWord(%arg, %num) @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));
	schedule("if($Toggle::VoiceSpam) VoiceSpam(\""@ %arg @"\");", %sec += getWord(%arg, %num - 1));

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:57 am
by perrinoia

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:42 am
by Jegue
whatever, that script isnt made by me anyways

Re: LocalSpam

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:48 am
by perrinoia
Yes, I see that it was made by "check"?

I've never heard of that player.

Anyways, you've got a better script to work with, now... If you want.

Re: [Script] LocalSpam

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:09 pm
by Jegue
Set it to keep saying "retarded retarded" over and over plssss?