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Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:57 am
by SpydeR.
llI was just browsing the Exiled for some skin packs and came across the maps section which has a few maps that we do not have on the server which may be cool.

http://library.theexiled.pwnageservers. ... php?id=109

The following maps I think would be good with annihilation:

Attack_On_Zeta Bot

Also if we do add newer maps is there a way that we can make a sub category in the maps tab menu that says "Maps added in 2016" or something like that; so we do not have to look through the map list for new maps? Thanks.

There was also a few people talking in the server yesterday about making new maps for annihilation if you guys are interested in playing some new stuffs.

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:33 pm
by perrinoia
Good find. Let's make sure they are all server side, before catch installing.

As for categorizing by creation date, I think that's a bad idea...

Firstly, we don't know when they were created unless the creator wrote it in the map. Secondly, the players don't know when the maps were created unless they created them. Thirdly, I'd rather sift through a list of maps that have something in common other than chronology, such add mission objectives and the existence of terrain in the mission area.

Lastly, I definitely wanna see new maps, and am available almost every morning, this coming week, to teach people how to make maps.

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:02 pm
I think what Spyder is wanting, is an easier way to find the addition of the new maps. Not everyone is going to remember "all" the name of the new maps added. He just would like to see an easier way to find them and make them more noticeable.

And after everyone is used to playing the new additions, make a new map rotation with the addition of the newer maps that players like, instead of the same maps being rotated over and over.

Like in the LT server, the map rotation is getting tiresome and some of the maps in the rotation players don't like and have to vote to get it to change. The person running the server, isn't listening to what the players playing on the server want, nor are they adding any new maps to the rotation to give the players something new to try out to keep from getting bored with the same old stuff, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....see what I mean ;)

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:40 pm
by perrinoia
How bout the message of the day advertises the new maps (and their location in the menu) when you connect to the server?

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:51 pm
by Erowid
I mean I totally know the answer, but for all the noobs out there who don't, what are those orbs all over the place?

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:13 pm
by Azul
I love Canyoneros. Plasmatic's best map and a classic and it puts Broadside to shame. Please put it on the server.

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:18 pm
perrinoia wrote:How bout the message of the day advertises the new maps (and their location in the menu) when you connect to the server?
This would be cool. Just even mentioning the new maps I think would work. That way players know they are new. The only problem, would they vote to change the current rotation of the maps to try them out? If not, then it's useless to add them. What's cool about new maps, is not everyone is used to them, so they are new to almost everyone, like playing Tribes for the first time, and no one has an advantage on the map until they play it a few times to learn it more.

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:22 am
by perrinoia
True... My solution for this problem is to replace voting to change the mission with a survey or poll regarding each player's opinion of each map...

So, you could cycle through the whole list of maps and say which ones you love and which ones you hate... Default being impartial, of course...

The next mission function would then scan the preferences of every player in the server, eliminating the hated maps from the list and increasing the chances of beloved maps getting selected...

For instance, if no one has any preferences towards broadsides, it on the list once. If I hate it, it's off the list. If you love it, it's back on the list once. If another person loves it, it's on the list twice, etc...

So, each time a mission comes to an end, whether it be due to the time limit or someone capping out, the next mission function will compile this list of maps and then randomly select from that list. But again, it would only scan the preferences of registered players who are actively connected to the server.

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:09 am
^^^ Like this idea! I'm for it!

Re: List of all maps

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:17 am
by SpydeR.
I like the idea to advertise the new maps on connection to the server and perrin's idea of cycling through the maps.