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[ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:45 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
Is there a neat script for bottom print in SGL?

I ask because I have this awesome config, but bottom print is ruined with the hud where it is.

I was thinking of making a new bottom print function to raise it up a little above the hud, and maybe have it transparent + matching font. I could do this with the stock hud functions, but I'm not to versed in SGL.

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:19 am
by Groove

Code: Select all

// Groovey remote for 1.4 + scriptGL
// hijacks center top and bottom prints and reformats them for scriptGl

// here be options
// font colors are set in hex RRGGBBAA
$GREMOTE::color0 = "<9fff27ff>" ; // currently set to limey greenish
$GREMOTE::color1 = "<18efd5ff>" ; // currently set to light bluey
$GREMOTE::color2 = "<ffff00ff>" ; // currently set to yellow
$GREMOTE::color3 = "<ff3131ff>" ; // currently set to reddish
$GREMOTE::font = "verdana" ; // this is a very complicated one i know
$GREMOTE::sizefont = 11 ; // this one too
$GREMOTE::BG::R = "0"; // bg color is set differently just to confuse you
$GREMOTE::BG::G = "0";
$GREMOTE::BG::B = "0";
$GREMOTE::BG::A = "205";
$GREMOTE::outline = 1 ; // do you want an outline box for lines with JC tag? 0 no 1 yes

// you probably shouldn't edit below this line
// other than maybe the outline box color that i didn't make a global var

function vhud::remoteCPHUD::create() {
	if ( $remoteCPHUD::Loaded )
	$remoteCPHUD::Loaded = true;

	// name, size %, position %, onrender
	vhud::create( "remoteCPHUD", "0% 0%", "0% 0%", Groove::GREMOTE::onRender );

function Groove::GREMOTE (%manager, %msg, %timeout, %type) before RemoteCP 
// grab the remotecp bp tp messages and process them for scriptGL
	$GREMOTE::visible = "true" ;

	// some things use a blank message to clear the print 
	 if ( %msg == "" ) { Schedule::Add("Groove::GREMOTE::clear(" @ $centerPrintId @ ");", 0); }

	// set timeout
	if (%timeout) { Schedule::Add("Groove::GREMOTE::clear(" @ $centerPrintId @ " );", %timeout); }

	$GREMOTE::lineshigh = 1; // any time we get a msg it'll be at least one line high
	// switch to set where on the screen to draw
		case "0":
			$GREMOTE::align = "CENTER"; 
		case "1":
			$GREMOTE::align = "BOTTOM";
		case "2":
			$GREMOTE::align = "TOP";
			$GREMOTE::align = "CENTER"; 

// omg for i stuff
		%len = String::len(%msg); // get the length of the string so we know where to stop
		for (%i = 0; %i <= %len; %i++) {
		%onechar = String::GetSubStr(%msg,%i,1);

// if we find a backslash n its a carriage return, so ill use this to determine how high things should be since i always get 0 for height with glgetstringdimensions
			if (%onechar == "\n") { $GREMOTE::lineshigh++;}

// change formatting tags into scriptGL color tags and stufs			
			else if (%onechar == "<") {
				%fourchars = String::ToLower(String::GetSubStr(%msg,%i,4));
						case "<f0>":
							%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f0>", $GREMOTE::color0); 
						case "<f1>":
							%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f1>", $GREMOTE::color1); 
						case "<f2>":
							%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f2>", $GREMOTE::color2); 
						case "<jc>":
							%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<jc>", "" ); // center justify tag, im ignoring you because my shiz is all centered
							$GREMOTE::JCTAG = 1;
						case "<jl>":
							// right justify tag im lazy and ignoring it for now
						case "<jr>":
						case "<l5>":
							%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<L5>", $GREMOTE::color3); // im not sure what L5 is so im making it a color tag
							// echoc(3, "remotecp found "~%fourchars~", probably a color tag" ); // echo other tags found jic i didn't set one but probably a colortag
	// lazy way to process tabs
	%msg = String::Replace(%msg, "\t", "   ");
	// make the message into a global var i can look at from other funcs
	$GREMOTE::themsg = %msg;
	// im setting this to 0 just in case for later
	$GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth = 0 ;
	// put halt here and it shouldn't call the real remoteCP

function Groove::GREMOTE::clear(%id)
	if(%id == $centerPrintId) 
	$GREMOTE::visible = "false" ;

function Groove::GREMOTE::onrender()
	// if(!Control::getVisible("remoteCPHUD"))
		// return;

	if($GREMOTE::visible != "true")
	if($Scriptgl::CurrentGui != "playGui")

	// finds your screen resolution 
	%PGx = getWord(Control::getExtent("PlayGui"), 0);
	%PGy = getWord(Control::getExtent("PlayGui"), 1);
	%lineheight = $GREMOTE::sizefont + 6 ;
	%y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;

	// stringdim kills FPS so i'm trying to only run it once if string changes
	if ($GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth == 0 && String::len($GREMOTE::themsg) > 0 ) {
		 glSetFont( $GREMOTE::font, $GREMOTE::sizefont, 0, 9 );
		 $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth = ScriptGL::StringDim( ScriptGL::StripColorTags($GREMOTE::themsg) );
	%x = %PGx / 2 - $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth / 2 ; 
	switch( $GREMOTE::align ){
		case "CENTER":
			 %y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;
		case "BOTTOM":
			%y = %PGy * 0.9 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight ;
		case "TOP":
			%y = %PGy * 0.2 ;
			%y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;

// reset the matrix

// GL texture environment stuf

// uses a blue outlined box for messages with the JC tag.
	if ($GREMOTE::JCTAG && $GREMOTE::outline) {
	glColor4ub( 0, 0, 255, 210 ); // this is the color of the outline box, feel free to change it
	glRectangle( %x -2 , %y -2 , $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth*1.05 + 4 , $GREMOTE::lineshigh* %lineheight + 4 );

// background box	
	glRectangle( %x, %y, $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth*1.05 , $GREMOTE::lineshigh* %lineheight );

// set font and draw text
	glSetFont( $GREMOTE::font, $GREMOTE::sizefont, 0, 9 );
	glDrawString(%x, %y + 2, $GREMOTE::themsg );


Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:27 am
by DaJ4ck3L
sweeeeeet, u the man!!!!

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 1:39 am
by Groove
it could probably use a bit of tweaking but it works

i didn't really notice problems with it but i think when i joined the anni server one of the join message lines got cut off

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:08 am
by D4M45T3R
considering storks hud fonts are thick you should try setting antialiasing to the max in your graphic card menu. imho it really improves the game & in this case hud will look ok because of the bold font.

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:48 am
by perrinoia
The join message is always on top of the loading image, for me... So I've never been able to read it, anyway.

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:33 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
missing a function.

ScriptGL::StripColorTags: Unknown command.

Code: Select all

// Groovey remote for 1.4 + scriptGL
// hijacks center top and bottom prints and reformats them for scriptGl

// here be options
// font colors are set in hex RRGGBBAA
$GREMOTE::color0 = "<d68a00ff>" ; // currently set to dark tan
$GREMOTE::color1 = "<ffd07bff>" ; // currently set to light tan
$GREMOTE::color2 = "<ffffffff>" ; // currently set to white
$GREMOTE::color3 = "<ff0000ff>" ; // currently set to reddish
$GREMOTE::font = "Jet Set" ; // this is a very complicated one i know
$GREMOTE::sizefont = 14 ; // this one too
$GREMOTE::BG::R = "0"; // bg color is set differently just to confuse you
$GREMOTE::BG::G = "0";
$GREMOTE::BG::B = "0";
$GREMOTE::BG::A = "205";

// you probably shouldn't edit below this line
// other than maybe the outline box color that i didn't make a global var

function vhud::remoteCPHUD::create() {
   if ( $remoteCPHUD::Loaded )
   $remoteCPHUD::Loaded = true;

   // name, size %, position %, onrender
   vhud::create( "remoteCPHUD", "0% 0%", "0% 0%", Groove::GREMOTE::onRender );

function Groove::GREMOTE (%manager, %msg, %timeout, %type) before RemoteCP
// grab the remotecp bp tp messages and process them for scriptGL
	if(%type != 1) //just have it check bottom print for this config -DaJ4ck3L
		$GREMOTE::visible = "false" ;
   $GREMOTE::visible = "true" ;
   $GREMOTE::JCWidth = 0;

   // some things use a blank message to clear the print
    if ( %msg == "" ) { Schedule::Add("Groove::GREMOTE::clear(" @ $bottomPrintId @ ");", 0); }

   // set timeout
   if (%timeout) { Schedule::Add("Groove::GREMOTE::clear(" @ $bottomPrintId @ " );", %timeout); }

   $GREMOTE::lineshigh = 1; // any time we get a msg it'll be at least one line high
   // switch to set where on the screen to draw
      case "0":
         $GREMOTE::align = "CENTER";
      case "1":
         $GREMOTE::align = "BOTTOM";
      case "2":
         $GREMOTE::align = "TOP";
         $GREMOTE::align = "CENTER";

// omg for i stuff
      %len = String::len(%msg); // get the length of the string so we know where to stop
      for (%i = 0; %i <= %len; %i++) {
      %onechar = String::GetSubStr(%msg,%i,1);

// if we find a backslash n its a carriage return, so ill use this to determine how high things should be since i always get 0 for height with glgetstringdimensions
         if (%onechar == "\n") { $GREMOTE::lineshigh++;}

// change formatting tags into scriptGL color tags and stufs         
         else if (%onechar == "<") {
            %fourchars = String::ToLower(String::GetSubStr(%msg,%i,4));
                  case "<f0>":
                     %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f0>", $GREMOTE::color0);
                  case "<f1>":
                     %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f1>", $GREMOTE::color1);
                  case "<f2>":
                     %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<f2>", $GREMOTE::color2);
                  case "<jc>":
                     %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<jc>", "" ); // center justify tag, im ignoring you because my shiz is all centered
                     $GREMOTE::JCTAG = 1;
                  case "<jl>":
                     // right justify tag im lazy and ignoring it for now
                  case "<jr>":
                  case "<l5>":
                     %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "<L5>", $GREMOTE::color3); // im not sure what L5 is so im making it a color tag
                     // echoc(3, "remotecp found "~%fourchars~", probably a color tag" ); // echo other tags found jic i didn't set one but probably a colortag
   // lazy way to process tabs
   %msg = String::Replace(%msg, "\t", "   ");
   // make the message into a global var i can look at from other funcs
   $GREMOTE::themsg = %msg;
   // get a number so we can slide text over, crows ghetto rig..
   %len = String::len(%msg); 
    for (%i = 0; %i <= %len; %i++) {
		%onechar = String::GetSubStr(%msg,%i,1);
		if (%onechar == "\n") { break;}
   // im setting this to 0 just in case for later
   $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth = 0 ;
   // put halt here and it shouldn't call the real remoteCP

function Groove::GREMOTE::clear(%id)
   if(%id == $bottomPrintId)
   $GREMOTE::visible = "false" ;

function Groove::GREMOTE::onrender()
   // if(!Control::getVisible("remoteCPHUD"))
      // return;

   if($GREMOTE::visible != "true")
   if($Scriptgl::CurrentGui != "playGui")

   // finds your screen resolution
   %PGx = getWord(Control::getExtent("PlayGui"), 0);
   %PGy = getWord(Control::getExtent("PlayGui"), 1);
   %lineheight = $GREMOTE::sizefont + 6 ;
   %y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;

   // stringdim kills FPS so i'm trying to only run it once if string changes
   if ($GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth == 0 && String::len($GREMOTE::themsg) > 0 ) {
       glSetFont( $GREMOTE::font, $GREMOTE::sizefont, 0, 9 );
       $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth = ScriptGL::StringDim( ScriptGL::StripColorTags($GREMOTE::themsg) ); //missing function ScriptGL::StripColorTags
   %x = %PGx / 2 - $GREMOTE::sglmsgwidth / 2 ;
   switch( $GREMOTE::align ){
      case "CENTER":
          %y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;
      case "BOTTOM":
         %y = %PGy * 0.9 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight ;
      case "TOP":
         %y = %PGy * 0.2 ;
         %y = %PGy / 2 - $GREMOTE::lineshigh * %lineheight / 2 ;

// reset the matrix

// GL texture environment stuf

// changed this for better center print -DaJ4ck3L
// set font and draw text
	Client::centerPrint("", 0); //clear old
	glSetFont( $GREMOTE::font, $GREMOTE::sizefont, 0, 9 );
	glDrawString(%x - $GREMOTE::JCWidth*3.14, %y + 2, $GREMOTE::themsg );

here's what i got so far. this method for centering the text is not the best lol.

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:16 pm
by Groove
yeah lemme look for that func, it's probably part of vhudmover

either that or u dont have all the scriptGL support stuff but it's probably the first thing

once i got vhudmover working i kinda abandoned those older, fixed-sized scriptGL huds but that gremote script was one of the few i didn't convert because its annoyingly complex for something that should be really simple

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:58 pm
by Groove
ya its part of vhudmover

download here

(that particular func is in H.ScriptGLSupport.acs)

those true vhuds are really the sweetest way to do scriptGL stuff since it's so easy to resize and it auto-adjusts to any resolution

and even if u dont use true vhuds it does have some useful addon scriptGL funcs (including stuff for centered text altho i dont think ive tried it)

Re: [ScriptGL] Bottom Print

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:31 pm
by DaJ4ck3L
yea ill need to check out the centered text. as you cane see above this script centers the text, but starts it at the center point as well lol. i did a ghetto rig to move it over based on how long the first line is, but the number of letters in a line don't equal pixel size, so it's not perfect.