Mod Updates

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Bumpity bump, the President is Trump.

How bout dem baby nuke weapon modes, Death666?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

I added a Easter patch today.

This was going to be a much larger patch, but a lot of things are still a work in progress so I decided to patch the server with what's good to go today.


*added a server message to the map end screen announcing the name of the upcoming map

*added sound to both the match starts in .. and match started messages

*players now default to Observer on map change

*added a tip for using Repair Kits to cure herpes to the Indoor Turret damage message

*changed the Troll Pack image to an Ammo Pack image combined with a Repair Kit image while worn and to an Ammo Pack image while the pack is on the ground. This will make the Troll Pack distinguishable from normal Repair Packs both while worn and on the ground.

*added the words Control Jammer to the messages given when feedback occurs from Control Jammers while using an OS Launcher for better clarification.

*Generator and Station damage (AKA Base damage) no longer enables or disables itself automatically based on the number of players in the server. Note that Base damage may still be disabled via vote or by admin.

*Repair Pack and Builder Repair Gun now repair faster when repairing a Generator or Solar Panel

*increased Chameleon armors running speed and jump height

*added sound to the messages given when a player reaches a killing spree amount and added a bottom print message as well

*Killing Sprees now activate at 10, 20 and 30 kills in a row.

*when reaching a killing spree amount you're now notified as well and your armor heals to full health

*Deployable Motion Sensors, Pulse Sensors, Sensor Jammers, and Pussycats now have active sounds unique to them that you'll hear when standing nearby.


*Map Generators and Solar Panels are now much stronger

*The total health of defenses including deployed Force Fields, BigCrates, JumpPads, PlasmaFloors, Platforms and BlastWalls have been cut in half.

*buffed the OS Launcher weapons' kickback

*buffed deployable Teleporters health

*increased the reload delay of Vortex turrets

*increased the total health of deployable Cameras, Motion Sensors, Pulse Sensors, Sensor Jammers, and Pussycats

*increased shield strength, recharge rate and max damage of BASE sensors, the ones that come with the map.

*decreased the damage taken from the Energy Pack boost

*Stasis Spell muzzle velocity reduced

*Stasis Spell projectile now disappears sooner to prevent door sniping from across the map

*Stasis Spell reload delay increased


*removed the "resetting server settings" message from the map end screen

*changed the Indoor Turret damage message to bottom print to reduce chat spam

*changed the description of Ghost armor from ghosting to Ghost. This description is used when a player who is ghosting takes the enemy flag. "player name took the team1 flag in Ghost armor"

*removed Shield Pack from Warrior armor because it has the Stealth Shield Pack

*players are no longer able to suicide or enter arena when in stasis, additionally admins are no longer able to admin kill, respawn, blowup, snipe, burn or poison players in stasis.

*fixed the Deployable Bunkers damage panels which were broken with the air base patch.

*when base damage is enabled or disabled via a vote or by an admin the server no longer changes it back based on the number of players in the server

*added the Sensor Jammer Pack for female Builder armor

*changed the message given when trying to jail when your team doesn't have a jail deployed to a bottomprint message

*added a bottomprint message when trying to jail after your teams jail tower has been destroyed and another one has not been deployed yet

*its no longer possible to jail someone when your teams jail tower is destroyed

*corrected the team messages given when a jail tower is destroyed to reflect the correct teams

**Hotfixed 4.17.17

*Fixed an issue with Troll armors' Suicide DetPack giving a 'wait' message when initially trying to use the pack
*Suicide Detpack now has a *working* 10 second wait timer which activates after using the pack that prevents standing at an Inventory Station and spamming unlimited Detpacks, but allows for one every 10 seconds.
*Updated the server join messages for both registered and nonregistered players.
*Removed the bottomprint portion of the 'Press TAB to join teams' message shown when maps begin.

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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Fixious »

Very nice. The gens certainly are stronger. I joined earlier without reading the patch notes and thought they were bugged or something. I used all my plasma and sniper ammo and couldn't take it down. My Cham nades prolly could've finished it off though.

May want to update the server join message as well, as it currently lists the previous Chameleon changes.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Wait... Do you can't rape a base in spawn armor anymore?

Might wanna nerf that a bit.

Everything else sounds good, though.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by AnniDv6 »

You can still take out generators in warrior armor, but it will take you a little bit longer now and also take more of your ammo.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Lawlz »

perrinoia wrote:Wait... Do you can't rape a base in spawn armor anymore?

Might wanna nerf that a bit.

Everything else sounds good, though.
Yeah he's right. Tried it out earlier. It's still without a doubt doable.
Some good changes here Death :clap: thanks buddy
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Oh. I must have read that wrong.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Azul »

Don't get the huge nerf to Statis. No one uses it but me, and its really hard to land now and completely useless. Maybe change the speed back to normal but keep the decreased draw distance?
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by perrinoia »

Dude, everybody has been using it since it became a sniper weapon. For the past couple of weeks I haven't been able to tell if I was lagging or in stasis, constantly.
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Re: Mod Updates

Post by Firelord »

Really digging a lot of these updates -- particularly the health recharge at 10 kills. Now I can extend my sprees even longer hehe. I also like the fix on the det packs. People spamming them from above the enemy base is such a weak tactic.

The only one I don't really like is chem upgrade. I feel like that armor has already become overpowered and does not need anymore advantages.

I'm not sure if this is a map specific issue or something to due with the updates, but I noticed on SnypressCity the other day that one of the team's generators could not be destroyed.
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