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Normal Rocket Launcher For Tank

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:11 am
by Sinister
Seriously how come tank doesn't have a normal rocket launcher? It has quadruple, Double, Rocket Shotgun, but no everyday anni rocket launcher? Lol. It would make it easier to rocket boost, instead of having to use a jump pad or the Quad Rockets to kill half your health. It would also even it out a bit, tank pretty much gets annihilated by everything else in mod.

Re: Normal Rocket Launcher For Tank

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:44 am
by perrinoia
Back in my glory days, I used to use a grenade and the quad rocket launchers to rocket jump from I've roller coaster base to the other. I would use repair pack during my ballistic free fall and be mostly repaired by the time I landed. I'd switch between tank shredders and double stinger missiles to dispense justice Dredd style while I picked up the enemy flag, then grenade/quad rocket boat back to my base in a single bound and superman dem hoes.

Every mobility assistance modification ever added to tank has been horrendously overpowered, including (but not limited to) grappling hook and Goodyear blimp powers.

Tank was never meant to be an offensive armor, but people have always found ways to get it across the map. We can use teleport pads, jump pads, bombers or HPCs, in addition to skiing and rocket jumping.

It was originally designed to defend the base like a smart, slightly mobile turret. If anything should be modified, I don't think it should be it's mobility... I think it's beacons should toss up a neutron bomb that temporarily drains enemy energy, and disables cloaking devices, sensor jammers, chameleons, and ghost packs. The explosion radius should be similar to the Det pack, but it should cause no real damage.

TLDR; Skills, get some!