Remote eval spamming

Posts: 322
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:25 pm
Location: Nebraska, USA

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by blankgirl »

perrinoia wrote:OK, my money's on Loadouts.acs, but if you post all 4, I'll let you know, for sure.

Code: Select all

Event::Attach( eventConnected, AutoBuy::onConnected );
Event::Attach( eventEnterStation, AutoBuy::onEnterStation );

function AutoBuy::onConnected() {
	$curFavorites = $pref::defaultloadout + 1;

function AutoBuy::onEnterStation() {
	if ( $PlayingDemo )

	if ( $pref::autoSpewPacks && ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) ) {
		AutoBuy::litterItem( "Repair Pack" );

	if ( $pref::autoBuyLoadout )
		AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( $curFavorites );

function AutoBuy::litterItem( %item ) {
	%type = getItemType( %item );
	for ( %i = 0; %i < 4; %i++ ) {
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", 0.1 );
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,dropItem," @ %type @ ");", 0.1 );

function AutoBuy::BuyLoadout() {
	%items = String::Explode( $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey], ",", "temp" );
	if ( !%items )
	%cmd = "remoteEval(2048, buyFavorites";
	for ( %i = 0; %i < %items; %i++ ) {
		%item = $temp[%i];
		%items[%item] = true;
		%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );
		if ( %item == "Mine" )
			%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );

	eval( %cmd ~ " );" );
	if ( $Station::Type != "" ) {
		if ( %items["Shield Pack"] && $pref::autoUseShield )
			Schedule("use(\"Backpack\");", 0.1);

function AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( %idx ) {
	$curFavorites = %idx;
	%name = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, "name"];
	if ( $pref::noEnterInv || ( $Station::Type == "" ) )
		remoteBP( 2048, "<jc><f1>Favorite set to: <f2>" ~ %name ~ "<f1>.", 3 );

	CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel( $curFavorites );
	Schedule::Add( "AutoBuy::BuyLoadout();", 0.1 );

function AutoBuy::DumpNonLoadoutItems() {
	for ( %i = 0; (%item = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, %i]) != ""; %i++ )
		%items[%item] = true;

	for ( %i = 0; (%desc = getItemDesc(%i)) != ""; %i++ ) {
		if ( !%items[%desc] && ( getItemCount(%desc) == 1 ) )
			remoteEval( 2048, dropItem, %i );

function AutoBuy::cheeseRepair() {
	if ( $Scripts::Version != "none" )

	%type = getItemType("Repair Kit");
	if ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) {
		for ( %i = 0; %i < 5; %i++ ) {
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,useItem," @ %type @ ");", 0 );
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", 0 );
	} else {
		use("Repair Kit");


[code]//--- export object begin ---//
instant FearGui::FGCommandView "CmdInventoryGui" {
	position = "0 0";
	extent = "640 480";
	horizSizing = "width";
	vertSizing = "height";
	consoleVariable = "";
	consoleCommand = "";
	altConsoleCommand = "";
	deleteOnLoseContent = "False";
	ownObjects = "True";
	opaque = "False";
	fillColor = "0 0 0";
	selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
	ghostFillColor = "1 1 1";
	border = "False";
	borderColor = "0 0 0";
	selectBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
	ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
	visible = "True";
	instant SimGui::TSControl "TS_140114" {
		position = "0 0";
		extent = "640 480";
		horizSizing = "width";
		vertSizing = "height";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "False";
		ownObjects = "True";
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		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0.713726 0.776471 0.760784";
		ghostFillColor = "0.819608 0.615686 0.301961";
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		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0.560784 0.478431 0.533333";
		ghostBorderColor = "0.713726 0.776471 0.760784";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "IDCTG_PLAY_GUI";
		produce3dMouseEvents = "True";
		instant FearGui::FGBitmapCtrl {
			position = "78 5";
			extent = "162 66";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "top";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
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			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			ghostFillColor = "0.47451 0.321569 0.184314";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.043137 0.431373 0.596078";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			visible = "False";
			tag = "IDCTG_HUD_RADAR";
			active = "False";
			messageTag = "";
			bmpTag = "IDBMP_E3_JOINUS";
			transparent = "True";
			alpha = "0.5";
		instant FearGui::Crosshair {
			position = "0 0";
			extent = "1 1";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
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			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.105882 0.180392 0.376471";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			visible = "True";
			fracPos = "0 0 0";
	instant SimGui::Control {
		position = "68 18";
		extent = "606 384";
		horizSizing = "left";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0.243137 0.431373 0.223529";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "IDCTG_PLAY_GUI";
		instant FearGui::ClockHud {
			position = "381 0";
			extent = "66 19";
			horizSizing = "relative";
			vertSizing = "relative";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			ghostFillColor = "0.360784 0.419608 0.560784";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.976471 0.827451 0.662745";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_HUD_CLOCK";
			fracPos = "0.705556 0 0";
	instant SimGui::Control {
		position = "23 35";
		extent = "595 545";
		horizSizing = "width";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
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		fillColor = "0 0 0";
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		borderColor = "0.243137 0.431373 0.223529";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "IDCTG_PLAY_GUI";
		instant FearGui::HealthHud {
			position = "0 0";
			extent = "131 35";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
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			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			ghostFillColor = "0.360784 0.419608 0.560784";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.976471 0.827451 0.662745";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_HUD_HEALTH";
			fracPos = "0 0 0";
		instant FearGui::JetPackHud {
			position = "0 35";
			extent = "131 35";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
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			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			ghostFillColor = "0.223529 0.184314 0.317647";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.976471 0.827451 0.662745";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
			visible = "True";
			fracPos = "0 0.068627 0";
		instant FearGui::FGLagIndicator {
			position = "562 0";
			extent = "32 32";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "True";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.352941 0.482353 0.360784";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.678431 0.764706 0.890196";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.407843 0.670588 0.2";
			visible = "False";
			tag = "";
	instant FearGui::ShapeView "ItemView" {
		position = "297 12";
		extent = "160 160";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0.756863 0.737255 0.694118";
		ghostFillColor = "0.529412 0.243137 0.027451";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0.078431 0.207843 0.031373";
		ghostBorderColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
		visible = "False";
		active = "True";
		messageTag = "";
		shape = "logo.dts";
	instant SimGui::Control {
		position = "228 18";
		extent = "606 384";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0.243137 0.431373 0.223529";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "IDCTG_PLAY_GUI";
		instant FearGui::FearGuiChatDisplay {
			position = "0 0";
			extent = "370 45";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			fracPos = "0.851852 0 0";
			lineCount = "3";
			commanderVersion = "False";
	instant SimGui::Control "ClientInvPanel" {
		position = "35 100";
		extent = "213 380";
		horizSizing = "relative";
		vertSizing = "height";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0.278431 0.258824 0.262745";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		instant FearGui::FearGuiBox {
			position = "0 166";
			extent = "212 193";
			horizSizing = "relative";
			vertSizing = "height";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
			ghostFillColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "";
			instant SimGui::ScrollCtrl {
				position = "3 4";
				extent = "206 186";
				horizSizing = "right";
				vertSizing = "height";
				consoleVariable = "";
				consoleCommand = "";
				altConsoleCommand = "";
				deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
				ownObjects = "True";
				opaque = "False";
				fillColor = "0 0 0";
				selectFillColor = "0.529412 0.298039 0.054902";
				ghostFillColor = "0.494118 0.078431 0.035294";
				border = "False";
				borderColor = "0 0 0";
				selectBorderColor = "0.415686 0.509804 0.556863";
				ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
				visible = "True";
				tag = "";
				pbaTag = "IDPBA_SCROLL2_SHELL";
				handleArrowKeys = "False";
				constantHeightThumb = "False";
				horizontalScrollBar = "off";
				verticalScrollBar = "on";
				instant SimGui::ScrollContentCtrl {
					position = "1 1";
					extent = "187 184";
					horizSizing = "right";
					vertSizing = "bottom";
					consoleVariable = "";
					consoleCommand = "";
					altConsoleCommand = "";
					deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
					ownObjects = "True";
					opaque = "True";
					fillColor = "0 0 0";
					selectFillColor = "0.713726 0.776471 0.760784";
					ghostFillColor = "0.666667 0.247059 0.023529";
					border = "False";
					borderColor = "0 0 0";
					selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
					ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
					visible = "True";
					tag = "";
					instant FearGuiInventory "InventoryList" {
						position = "0 0";
						extent = "300 0";
						horizSizing = "right";
						vertSizing = "bottom";
						consoleVariable = "";
						consoleCommand = "";
						altConsoleCommand = "";
						deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
						ownObjects = "True";
						opaque = "False";
						fillColor = "0 0 0";
						selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
						ghostFillColor = "0.552941 0.647059 0.690196";
						border = "False";
						borderColor = "0 0 0";
						selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
						ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
						visible = "True";
						tag = "";
						active = "True";
						messageTag = "";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
			position = "31 136";
			extent = "36 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::sellSelected();";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_SELL";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_Sell";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
			position = "87 136";
			extent = "32 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::useSelected();";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_SELL";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_Use";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
			position = "138 136";
			extent = "45 19";
			horizSizing = "relative";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::dropSelected();";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_SELL";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_Drop";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
	instant SimGui::Control "StationInvPanel" {
		position = "393 100";
		extent = "213 380";
		horizSizing = "left";
		vertSizing = "height";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0.278431 0.258824 0.262745";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton1" {
			position = "15 51";
			extent = "13 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(1);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_BUY";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "IDCTG_CMD_BOX_0";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_1";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "favButton2" {
			position = "28 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(2);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_BUY";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "IDCTG_CMD_BOX_0";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_2";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton3" {
			position = "44 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(3);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_BUY";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "IDCTG_CMD_BOX_0";
			bitmapRoot = "BTN_3";
			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton4" {
			position = "60 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(4);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "False";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "IDCTG_INV_BUY";
			active = "True";
			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "IDCTG_CMD_BOX_0";
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			isSet = "True";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton5" {
			position = "76 51";
			extent = "16 19";
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			consoleVariable = "";
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			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
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			radioTag = "IDCTG_CMD_BOX_0";
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			isSet = "False";
			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton6" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "92 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(6);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton7" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "108 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(7);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
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			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton8" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "124 51";
			extent = "16 19";
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			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(8);";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
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			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton9" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "140 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(9);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
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			tag = "IDCTG_INV_BUY";
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			mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton10" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "156 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(10);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton11" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "172 51";
			extent = "13 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
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			altConsoleCommand = "";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "FavButton12" { //12 Favs -DaJ4ck3L
			position = "185 51";
			extent = "16 19";
			horizSizing = "right";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel(12);";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "BuyButton" {
			position = "89 136";
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			altConsoleCommand = "";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "MarkFavoritesButton" {
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			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
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		instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton "BuyFavoritesButton" {
			position = "52 84";
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			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "CmdInventoryGui::buyFavorites();";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
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			ownObjects = "True";
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			selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
			visible = "True";
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			messageTag = "";
			isCheckbox = "False";
			radioTag = "";
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		instant FearGui::FearGuiBox {
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			vertSizing = "height";
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			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
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			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.847059 0.615686 0.498039";
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			instant SimGui::ScrollCtrl {
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				deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
				ownObjects = "True";
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				fillColor = "0 0 0";
				selectFillColor = "0.435294 0.423529 0.423529";
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				border = "False";
				borderColor = "0 0 0";
				selectBorderColor = "0.901961 0.898039 0.85098";
				ghostBorderColor = "0.713726 0.776471 0.760784";
				visible = "True";
				tag = "";
				pbaTag = "IDPBA_SCROLL2_SHELL";
				handleArrowKeys = "False";
				constantHeightThumb = "False";
				horizontalScrollBar = "off";
				verticalScrollBar = "on";
				instant SimGui::ScrollContentCtrl {
					position = "1 1";
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					consoleVariable = "";
					consoleCommand = "";
					altConsoleCommand = "";
					deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
					ownObjects = "True";
					opaque = "True";
					fillColor = "0 0 0";
					selectFillColor = "0.537255 0.631373 0.85098";
					ghostFillColor = "0.062745 0.035294 0.011765";
					border = "False";
					borderColor = "0 0 0";
					selectBorderColor = "0.443137 0.360784 0.282353";
					ghostBorderColor = "0.301961 0.082353 0.058824";
					visible = "True";
					tag = "";
					instant FearGuiPurchase "BuyList" {
						position = "0 0";
						extent = "300 0";
						horizSizing = "right";
						vertSizing = "bottom";
						consoleVariable = "";
						consoleCommand = "";
						altConsoleCommand = "";
						deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
						ownObjects = "True";
						opaque = "False";
						fillColor = "0 0 0";
						selectFillColor = "0.713726 0.776471 0.760784";
						ghostFillColor = "0.345098 0.321569 0.286275";
						border = "False";
						borderColor = "0 0 0";
						selectBorderColor = "0.533333 0.635294 0.607843";
						ghostBorderColor = "0.772549 0.796078 0.788235";
						visible = "True";
						tag = "";
						active = "True";
						messageTag = "";
	instant CenterPrint {
		position = "35 409";
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		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
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		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
	instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
		position = "570 0";
		extent = "45 33";
		horizSizing = "left";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "remoteEval(2048, \"PlayMode\");";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		active = "True";
		messageTag = "";
		isCheckbox = "False";
		radioTag = "";
		bitmapRoot = "CMDB_Cancel";
		isSet = "False";
		mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
	instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
		position = "91 0";
		extent = "67 33";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "remoteEval(2048, \"ObjectivesMode\");";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		active = "True";
		messageTag = "";
		isCheckbox = "False";
		radioTag = "";
		bitmapRoot = "CMDB_Objectives";
		isSet = "False";
		mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
	instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
		position = "22 0";
		extent = "69 34";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "remoteEval(2048, \"CommandMode\");";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		active = "True";
		messageTag = "";
		isCheckbox = "False";
		radioTag = "";
		bitmapRoot = "CMDB_Map";
		isSet = "False";
		mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
	instant FearGui::FGUniversalButton {
		position = "157 0";
		extent = "66 33";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		active = "False";
		messageTag = "";
		isCheckbox = "False";
		radioTag = "";
		bitmapRoot = "CMDB_Inventory";
		isSet = "True";
		mirrorConsoleVar = "False";
	instant SimGui::Control {
		position = "213 88";
		extent = "213 50";
		horizSizing = "center";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0.745098 0.811765 0.870588";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0.427451 0.360784 0.384314";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "1 0 1";
		selectBorderColor = "0.070588 0.807843 0.8";
		ghostBorderColor = "0.435294 0.423529 0.423529";
		visible = "True";
		tag = "";
		instant FearGuiFormattedText "EnergyDisplayText" {
			position = "0 0";
			extent = "213 19";
			horizSizing = "center";
			vertSizing = "bottom";
			consoleVariable = "";
			consoleCommand = "";
			altConsoleCommand = "";
			deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
			ownObjects = "True";
			opaque = "True";
			fillColor = "0 0 0";
			selectFillColor = "0.470588 0.556863 0.615686";
			ghostFillColor = "0.12549 0.219608 0.168627";
			border = "False";
			borderColor = "0 0 0";
			selectBorderColor = "0.321569 0.254902 0.086275";
			ghostBorderColor = "0.301961 0.082353 0.058824";
			visible = "True";
			tag = "";
			active = "False";
			messageTag = "";
	instant FearGui::FearGuiChat {
		position = "135 414";
		extent = "370 36";
		horizSizing = "right";
		vertSizing = "bottom";
		consoleVariable = "";
		consoleCommand = "";
		altConsoleCommand = "";
		deleteOnLoseContent = "True";
		ownObjects = "True";
		opaque = "False";
		fillColor = "0 0 0";
		selectFillColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostFillColor = "0 0 0";
		border = "False";
		borderColor = "0 0 0";
		selectBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		ghostBorderColor = "0 0 0";
		visible = "False";
		tag = "IDCTG_HUD_CHAT";
		active = "True";
		messageTag = "";
		fontNameTag = "";
		fontNameTagHL = "IDFNT_W_10";
		fontNameTagDisabled = "";
		textTag = "";
		text = "";
		align = "left";
		textVPosDelta = "0";
		numbersOnly = "False";
		maxStrLen = "80";
		lineCount = "2";
//--- export object end ---//

Code: Select all

Event::Attach( eventConnected, Station::Reset );
Event::Attach( eventChangeMission, Station::CheckExit );
Event::Attach( eventLeaveServer, Station::CheckExit );
//Event::Attach( eventClientDied, Station::onClientDied );

function remoteEnterStation( %sv, %type ) {
	$Station::Type = %type;
	Event::Trigger( eventEnterStation, %type );
	pushActionMap( "inventoryMap.sae" );

function remoteExitStation( %sv, %type ) {
	$Station::Type = "";
	Event::Trigger( eventExitStation );
	popActionMap( "inventoryMap.sae" );

function Station::CheckExit() {
	if ( $Station::Type != "" )

function Station::onClientDied( %cl ) {
	if ( %cl == getManagerId() )

function Station::Reset() {
	deleteVariables( "$Station*" );
Lawlz wrote:
S']['U wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:i love blank girl

You do know that blankgirl is a guy, right? :shh:
I think everyone knows this since he posts pictures of himself after a fucked-up nights. XD
Site Admin
Posts: 3732
Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:18 pm

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by perrinoia »

Funny how Crow's config isn't compatible with Crow's mod... :fpalm:

Try this:

Code: Select all

Event::Attach( eventConnected, AutoBuy::onConnected );
Event::Attach( eventEnterStation, AutoBuy::onEnterStation );

function AutoBuy::onConnected()
	$curFavorites = $pref::defaultloadout + 1;

function AutoBuy::onEnterStation(){
	if ( $PlayingDemo )

	if ( $pref::autoSpewPacks && ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) ) {
		AutoBuy::litterItem( "Repair Pack" );

	if ( $pref::autoBuyLoadout )
		AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( $curFavorites );

function AutoBuy::litterItem( %item ) {
	%type = getItemType( %item );
	for ( %i = 0; %i < 4; %i++ ) {
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,dropItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia

function AutoBuy::BuyLoadout() {
	%items = String::Explode( $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey], ",", "temp" );
	if ( !%items )
	%cmd = "remoteEval(2048, buyFavorites";
	for ( %i = 0; %i < %items; %i++ ) {
		%item = $temp[%i];
		%items[%item] = true;
		%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );
		if ( %item == "Mine" )
			%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );

	eval( %cmd ~ " );" );
	if ( $Station::Type != "" ) {
		if ( %items["Shield Pack"] && $pref::autoUseShield )
			Schedule("use(\"Backpack\");", 0.1);

function AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( %idx ) {
	$curFavorites = %idx;
	%name = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, "name"];
	if ( $pref::noEnterInv || ( $Station::Type == "" ) )
		remoteBP( 2048, "<jc><f1>Favorite set to: <f2>" ~ %name ~ "<f1>.", 3 );

	CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel( $curFavorites );
	Schedule::Add( "AutoBuy::BuyLoadout();", 0.1 );

function AutoBuy::DumpNonLoadoutItems() {
	for ( %i = 0; (%item = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, %i]) != ""; %i++ )
		%items[%item] = true;

	%max = getNumItems();	// Some items don't have descriptions.  The old code stopped when it encountered the first one. -perrinoia
	for ( %i = 0; %i < %max; %i++ ) {
		%desc = getItemDesc(%i);
		if ( !%items[%desc] && 1 == getItemCount(%desc) )	// I made it drop if not 0, so it would drop ammo too, then remembered ammo explodes. -perrinoia
			schedule("remoteEval( 2048, dropItem, "@ %i @" );", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia

function AutoBuy::cheeseRepair() {
	if ( $Scripts::Version != "none" )

	%type = getItemType("Repair Kit");
	if ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) {
		for ( %i = 0; %i < 5; %i++ ) {
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,useItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
	} else {
		use("Repair Kit");
Posts: 322
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:25 pm
Location: Nebraska, USA

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by blankgirl »

perrinoia wrote:Funny how Crow's config isn't compatible with Crow's mod... :fpalm:

Try this:

Code: Select all

Event::Attach( eventConnected, AutoBuy::onConnected );
Event::Attach( eventEnterStation, AutoBuy::onEnterStation );

function AutoBuy::onConnected()
	$curFavorites = $pref::defaultloadout + 1;

function AutoBuy::onEnterStation(){
	if ( $PlayingDemo )

	if ( $pref::autoSpewPacks && ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) ) {
		AutoBuy::litterItem( "Repair Pack" );

	if ( $pref::autoBuyLoadout )
		AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( $curFavorites );

function AutoBuy::litterItem( %item ) {
	%type = getItemType( %item );
	for ( %i = 0; %i < 4; %i++ ) {
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
		Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,dropItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia

function AutoBuy::BuyLoadout() {
	%items = String::Explode( $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey], ",", "temp" );
	if ( !%items )
	%cmd = "remoteEval(2048, buyFavorites";
	for ( %i = 0; %i < %items; %i++ ) {
		%item = $temp[%i];
		%items[%item] = true;
		%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );
		if ( %item == "Mine" )
			%cmd = sprintf( "%1, %2", %cmd, getItemType(%item) );

	eval( %cmd ~ " );" );
	if ( $Station::Type != "" ) {
		if ( %items["Shield Pack"] && $pref::autoUseShield )
			Schedule("use(\"Backpack\");", 0.1);

function AutoBuy::SelectAndBuyLoadout( %idx ) {
	$curFavorites = %idx;
	%name = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, "name"];
	if ( $pref::noEnterInv || ( $Station::Type == "" ) )
		remoteBP( 2048, "<jc><f1>Favorite set to: <f2>" ~ %name ~ "<f1>.", 3 );

	CmdInventoryGui::favoritesSel( $curFavorites );
	Schedule::Add( "AutoBuy::BuyLoadout();", 0.1 );

function AutoBuy::DumpNonLoadoutItems() {
	for ( %i = 0; (%item = $pref::favorites[$curFavorites, $ServerFavoritesKey, %i]) != ""; %i++ )
		%items[%item] = true;

	%max = getNumItems();	// Some items don't have descriptions.  The old code stopped when it encountered the first one. -perrinoia
	for ( %i = 0; %i < %max; %i++ ) {
		%desc = getItemDesc(%i);
		if ( !%items[%desc] && 1 == getItemCount(%desc) )	// I made it drop if not 0, so it would drop ammo too, then remembered ammo explodes. -perrinoia
			schedule("remoteEval( 2048, dropItem, "@ %i @" );", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia

function AutoBuy::cheeseRepair() {
	if ( $Scripts::Version != "none" )

	%type = getItemType("Repair Kit");
	if ( $Station::Type == "Inventory" ) {
		for ( %i = 0; %i < 5; %i++ ) {
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,useItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
			Schedule( "remoteEval(2048,buyItem," @ %type @ ");", %i / 10 );	// Tenth of a second delay to appease eval spam filters. -perrinoia
	} else {
		use("Repair Kit");
Where do I put this code?

blankgirl :coolio:
Lawlz wrote:
S']['U wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:i love blank girl

You do know that blankgirl is a guy, right? :shh:
I think everyone knows this since he posts pictures of himself after a fucked-up nights. XD
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Posts: 3732
Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:18 pm

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by perrinoia »

Overwrite: Loadout.acs.cs
Posts: 322
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:25 pm
Location: Nebraska, USA

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by blankgirl »

I switched out the code in Loadout.acs. It seems to be working, I still get the error noise but I can buy my favorite before 5 seconds is up.

Lawlz wrote:
S']['U wrote:
DaJ4ck3L wrote:i love blank girl

You do know that blankgirl is a guy, right? :shh:
I think everyone knows this since he posts pictures of himself after a fucked-up nights. XD
Site Admin
Posts: 3732
Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:18 pm

Re: Remote eval spamming

Post by perrinoia »

That means I've reduced the amount of remote eval spam to a nearly tolerable limit.

That script simultaneously spams three things.
1) spews 5 repair kits.
2) spews 4 repair packs.
3) drops items not in your current faves list.

So, assuming you don't have any items that aren't in your current faves list, you'll still buy and drop 9 times. Which equals a minimum of 18 remote evals in less than one second.

But, you can uncheck a couple boxes in your config to prevent all of it.
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