[Challenge] Mappers

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[Challenge] Mappers

Post by DaJ4ck3L »

Make a bad ass ski map!!!
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by AnniDv6 »

I keep wanting to make a new one, but those things take time man. I've gotten xtremeski2, extremietes and skiway(redtower) ready to go for the server under the ski maps gametype with checkpoints and a basic lap system. Still working on xstremeski1, naptr, the race and happyfunslide. Also still working on the code for the checkpoints and lap time. The havoc tribes racer code has a lot of havoc functions and things tied into it that don't work with annihilation.

Oh and I also removed spawn shield and health regeneration on spawn from all of the spawn-ctf maps and added the blaster and thumper to the loadout you spawn with only in those maps. Spawn-CTF will also have it's own gametype again, but the maps will also remain in the standard ctf rotation for now so every single match isn't: set lasers in buried walls, go titan rinse repeat etc. I'll patch tomorrow early in the morning before I leave for work.
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by Fixious »

I would, but the editor is a pain to work with and is prone to randomly crashing on me. You can have my Legions one though.

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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by S_hift »

use software mode. It litterally lets you know when you're about to crash before hand so you can quickly save your work. It also helps aligning pieces better.

Things that typically cause editor.cs to crash

1. Repeat patterns.
2. clipping objects, typically objects that are clipped right into eachother
3. objects with light animations or built in point lighting.
4. desert rocks
5. too many plants (especially trees)
6. legend bridge shape. The bridge model with the most edges and textures.
7. king under the hill arena should only be spawned if there is nothing else on the map. This should be the large arena in the standalone tab

I'll agree tribes is quirky but once you know the few things to cause it you can know when to save your work.

after ever map you edit, remember to keep a copy of the original missions folder and to delete all the temporary files from the temp folder. This might cause you to drop upon connect to a server.
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by S_hift »

also pieces will move up slowly when you select them to slide them around. to avoid this simply press f2 to enter the dialog menu and always copy the last number before you move it.

example position: 250.0459 130.0568 250.347 usually the last digits will increase to 250.468 or something. This is in X Y Z coordinates.
-x = east
x = west
-y= south
y = north
-z = down or lower
z = up or higher.

I would like to do a cool ski map, but its really not my cup of tea. I have to rework this one map i'm building...
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by Fixious »

Any reason why Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V wouldn't work? Shapes aren't locked from what I can tell, if that means anything. I seem to remember it working years ago when I first started messing with things. Using a 1.11 build.
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by S_hift »

thats all you can really edit with anyway. and yes ctrl c and ctrl v do work, just sometimes they don't. not really sure why.
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by Fixious »

You don't have to be in a specific mode do you (F1-F4)? Bleh. I'll muck with it later.

Would something like CTF Blitz from Ascend be possible in Annihilation (or T1 in general)?
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by D4M45T3R »

does anyone have xtreme ski and similar maps for 1.4?
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Re: [Challenge] Mappers

Post by AnniDv6 »

Fixious wrote:Any reason why Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V wouldn't work? Shapes aren't locked from what I can tell, if that means anything. I seem to remember it working years ago when I first started messing with things. Using a 1.11 build.
The editor is really finicky. I've never found out what causes copy paste to stop working. Always have a clean install backup folder of tribes that you don't touch to edit with in case the one you use gets messed up.
D4M45T3R wrote:does anyone have xtreme ski and similar maps for 1.4?
All of the current ski maps are being worked on and will be compatible with 1.4. We're converting the tribes racer code from havoc so the maps will have a checkpoint and lap system and record best times. The only thing that would really stop a map from working on 1.4 is the visual and fog distance being too high. Lower them until you don't crash when the map loads.
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